Re: Chronisch Fibrotisierende Pankreatitis - Sammlung an nützlichen Infos zur Behandlung
Verfasst: 26. Dezember 2018, 00:57
Sehr interessant, schauts euch mal an. Schlägt in die gleiche Kerbe wie die anderen Studien zu Antioxidantien.
Die sog. Manchester-Studie, deren Ergebnisse inzwischen in verschiedenen Ländern in Rahmen verschiedener klinischer Studien genutzt werden um erfolgreich Schmerzen und Schübe bei idiopathischer chronsichen Pankreatitis unterschiedlicher Genese entgegen zu wirken: ... p?aid=1915
Several micronutrients have antioxidant potential [31]. However, a comparison of the habitual diets of patients with idiopathic chronic pancreatitis [...] identified the patients’ need of just three (methionine, vitamin C and selenium [67]), which together should buttress pancreatic methyl and thiol groups[...] By trial and error, using Selenium-ACE (selenium with vitamins A, C and E;[...] with or without methionine tablets [...] we found that doses for symptom relief varied widely and that patients with recurrent acute pancreatitis benefited too: they displayed elevated levels of free radical oxidation products in duodenal aspirates and serum [5], although blood levels of micronutrients were generally normal [15, 70]. By 1985, observations in 23 patients showed that six Selenium-ACE plus eight methionine tablets per day most often controlled symptoms [9]. That combination, but with beta-carotene in place of vitamin A, was selected for formal assessment. Table 1 summarizes results of trials to date, wherein every effort was made to eliminate bias [72].
Bezüglich Schmerzen ist auch die Studie sehr interessant:
In contrast, a randomized trial of antioxidant supplementation with selenium, ascorbic acid, B-carotene, a-tocopherol, and methionine reported a significant reduction in the number of painful days per month[58]. A meta-analysis of antioxidants in chronic pancreatitis reported a small but significant reduction in visual analog scale pain scores (0.33 out of 10) along with an adverse effect rate of 16% of “mostly mild” symptoms[30]. Finally, a Cochrane review concluded that antioxidant therapy provides slight benefits and also reported adverse events in about 17%[59]. The role of antioxidant therapy in pain in chronic pancreatitis remains unclear and further investigation is warranted[60].
Selenium = Selen, Ascorbic Acid = Vitamin C, A-Tocopherol = Vitamin E, Methionine = Methionin ist eine Vorstufe der Aminosäuren Cystein und Taurin und des Antioxidans Glutathion
Wünsche euch allen eine frohe und besinnliche Weihnachtszeit und viel Kraft und Stärke fürs nächste Jahr
Die sog. Manchester-Studie, deren Ergebnisse inzwischen in verschiedenen Ländern in Rahmen verschiedener klinischer Studien genutzt werden um erfolgreich Schmerzen und Schübe bei idiopathischer chronsichen Pankreatitis unterschiedlicher Genese entgegen zu wirken: ... p?aid=1915
Several micronutrients have antioxidant potential [31]. However, a comparison of the habitual diets of patients with idiopathic chronic pancreatitis [...] identified the patients’ need of just three (methionine, vitamin C and selenium [67]), which together should buttress pancreatic methyl and thiol groups[...] By trial and error, using Selenium-ACE (selenium with vitamins A, C and E;[...] with or without methionine tablets [...] we found that doses for symptom relief varied widely and that patients with recurrent acute pancreatitis benefited too: they displayed elevated levels of free radical oxidation products in duodenal aspirates and serum [5], although blood levels of micronutrients were generally normal [15, 70]. By 1985, observations in 23 patients showed that six Selenium-ACE plus eight methionine tablets per day most often controlled symptoms [9]. That combination, but with beta-carotene in place of vitamin A, was selected for formal assessment. Table 1 summarizes results of trials to date, wherein every effort was made to eliminate bias [72].
Bezüglich Schmerzen ist auch die Studie sehr interessant:
In contrast, a randomized trial of antioxidant supplementation with selenium, ascorbic acid, B-carotene, a-tocopherol, and methionine reported a significant reduction in the number of painful days per month[58]. A meta-analysis of antioxidants in chronic pancreatitis reported a small but significant reduction in visual analog scale pain scores (0.33 out of 10) along with an adverse effect rate of 16% of “mostly mild” symptoms[30]. Finally, a Cochrane review concluded that antioxidant therapy provides slight benefits and also reported adverse events in about 17%[59]. The role of antioxidant therapy in pain in chronic pancreatitis remains unclear and further investigation is warranted[60].
Selenium = Selen, Ascorbic Acid = Vitamin C, A-Tocopherol = Vitamin E, Methionine = Methionin ist eine Vorstufe der Aminosäuren Cystein und Taurin und des Antioxidans Glutathion
Wünsche euch allen eine frohe und besinnliche Weihnachtszeit und viel Kraft und Stärke fürs nächste Jahr